Your website is in the cloud, what can possibly go wrong?

So you've got a nice shiny website, it's gradually increasing in traffic, and generating some great clients! Well done, sounds like you've done the hard part. However have you ever considered that your website isn't invulnerable and might one day just not be there?
Like any other data stored on any medium you have to assume that one day something terrible is going to go wrong and the data will be lost, hacked, encrypted, or altered to be unusable in some other disastrous way.... Yes, yes.. you've heard it before. Well it's true, it can go horribly wrong, and getting a website backup included in your monthly or annual hosting package isn't expensive. From $5 per month you can have a copy of the website taken daily and stored at an alternate location.
If you consider the amount of time that you spent to put the website together, and hopefully how much great business it generates for you, it's a very small cost and worth it for business continuity and your peace of mind.
Call your webhost today and ask them if your website is being backed up.
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