How to bring Video Conferencing to Your Boardroom

I’ve had the privilege lately of helping clients setup their boardrooms with modern smart TVs mounted on their walls. Video Conferencing is an area of technology that has been busier than ever, especially with more and more people working remotely and not being able to invite clients into their office space.
The technology has really come a long way in the last few years.
Gone are the cables and expensive equipment
When I first became involved in video conferencing, you needed cables. Lots and lots of cables. There was one from the PC or Laptop to the TV, and then one to each fancy microphone and then another to the camera that made the video work.
It was also expensive. You needed to outlay hundreds if not thousands of dollars in electrical costs to get the cables run correctly (unless you were one of those people who preferred to use electrical tape over the cables on the floor, which wasn’t the best look).
Now, there’s Smart TVs
With the advent of Smart TVs running Android operating systems, your smart TV is basically a computer you can hang on the wall.
You can download apps to enjoy your favourite workplace entertainment (football anyone?), you can browse the web directly from your TV and you can even do actual work related things, like wirelessly beam your PC or tablet directly to the TV without any cables or additional software.
Whether you use Android and a PC or iPads and MAC desktops, everything is built in. With the stroke of a few keys or the press of a few buttons, your desktop will grace the 85” TV in the boardroom, complete with sound and very good picture quality.
You can…
- Easily run a Zoom Meeting to the screen in your boardroom without the cost, clutter or cables. And without having computers cluttering the space around the screen.
- Present the board papers to the room without having to get out of your seat
- Make a great impression on your clients
And best of all, it’s low cost and easy to install.
So if you’re thinking of setting up a presentation screen in your boardroom, or you’re one of those businesses who’s been doing video conferencing with the cable clutter (or heaven forbid, electrical tape), talk to your IT partner today to find out how easy it can be for you bring your boardroom into 2020.
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