6 Key questions to consider if you are buying a new lap top

All too often we see people run out and buy an off the shelf computer from the local retail store, only to find it was not the best choice and they end up having to buy another one within twelve months. While there is nothing wrong buying a computer from your local retailer, it’s worth spending 10 minutes with an IT professional who understands your needs. Just to be clear on the purpose of device and what’s its true cost will be including set up and configuration. You can buy what appears to be a good laptop as recommended from the sales person on commission at your local electronics retailer, it’s got big numbers! It’s nice and shiny, it’s on sale! These things may still not add up to the best choice for you. Talk to someone who really knows and understands your business needs, not just what sounds good to your 15 year old son who is thinking how well it will play the games he likes..
What are the 5 most common tasks the lap top will be used for?
Is the laptop primarily used as a mobile device, or primarily as a desktop device? What % mobile vs desktop?
Does the user need mobile broadband while on the move? Built in internet via a mobile sim card built into the laptop.
Does it need to be a foldable tablet/laptop or just a normal laptop?
Is the size of the screen preferred to be larger 14 - 15" or smaller 12 - 13"?
Is the weight and the battery life extremely important, which is higher priority, lighter weight, or better battery life?
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